{social mediacrity}

socially, mobile-y, & digitally just a bit above average

Archive for January 2010


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[Insert Standard Apology] I have not updated in awhile.  Things got a little crazy towards the end of the semester as I was juggling several internships, school, and my social life in Miami.  I have to say things finished strong, and I am very excited about next semester.

I spent my New Year in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, where I have spent my last 4 NYEs.  My dad moved down there about 9 years ago, and I have to say it is one of my favorite places on Earth.  I spent a lot of my free time on the beach thinking about my future and met some very interesting people in town (as I always do).  Nicaragua draws some remarkable people, all of whom I assume are on the same sort of journey – either looking to catch the killer wave (Nica is known for some of the best surfing on the Pacific) or getting away from it all in a low-key, beautiful town.

Bay of San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

I’m kicking the job search into full gear as we speak.  I now know I’m looking for a career in emerging media and digital marketing – I’ve become increasingly passionate about the internet and web technologies over the years, and this feels just right to me.  I know I have a lot to offer, it’s just a matter of demonstrating that to those that give me a chance.  I landed another great internship which I really hope to kick some major butt in – can’t wait!

I have faith in myself as I’ve made it this far, and can’t be anything but hopeful for the future.   New York, Chicago, DC?  We’ll see where the job search takes me, but one thing is certain: I have what it takes to find my place.

Cheers to the new year 🙂

Written by jmchilgren

January 13, 2010 at 3:02 pm

Posted in Personally